Re-write of previous post

Should the only people ploughing the field of art be those artists that deserve to be paid? Then, since most of it isn’t any good, most of them do not deserve to get paid anything. But who knows if I am even right about that? It is a well-known aphorism that everyone has their own opinion, when it comes to art. The artists cultivating the rutabagas of art, art as paying occupation, should be about 99.5.% unemployed, in my view, which contains lessons for the field of economics (but there is no field, as it is total gibberish. Or maybe I am just being bitter, eh? Because I wanted my own university seat?) The lesson is this: we need to subsidize the arts, not wait for people to pay for this trash.

Something that has gotten into print as the LITERATURE section of something larger, put out by the U. of Chicago “arts” collective or department and something is there. It is like a catalog for art, for all the public to see. It has the kind of events called “art” events. A guide to public exhibitions. All the “art” events and all the readings are here. There are all them “art” events and all them dates.

What is the big idea in that SUB-section? It seems to be that there is an art form. And why don’t you look inside of it, whereupon you would discover something in there; and, dare I ask, what is there? They say there is something. There is some art there, to be investigated or explored. It is as if you are going to poke around inside the structural elements of the arts. Oh, really. Is anyone interested in that?

Good luck with that; I think this is intellectual garbage. Only-that-and-nothing-more. These persons otherwise would not be able to get a job (economics again, you see). The government should pay them. They should not have to plough the rutabagas of art. I do not know that these are bad artists, I am not saying that. They may be a varied lot. There are probably quite a few different type artists there. We are in the catalogue. Whatever you call what I picked up. Why are they making such a big deal out of all this art?

The truth is that there is a person and there is an artwork. Any investigation is the investigation of just that person and artwork; it is not that complicated. The investigation occurs when the end user encounters and investigates an artwork. So it is very simple and we can only feel chagrin that the U of C wants to make it something more. You may say “investigation,” appreciation, inquiry– Whatever. But there isn’t anything there to analyze: the artist creates a work, the viewer views or in the case of music: listens. Or in the case of a reading: Well then, you listen. There are a lot of readings going on too, in this published document. So you should probably go.    (

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